
Overview of Metal Pressure Transducer Diaphragms

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A diaphragm pressure transducer is a mechanical device that converts pressure changes into an electric signal, which can be measured to gauge changes in pressure. Diaphragm pressure transducers are particularly useful for low pressure applications. How Does a Pressure Transducer Work? Pressure[…]

Farley’s Top Five Things to Know for Deep Draw Metal Stamping

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The deep draw process itself begins once a flat piece of metal – referred to as a blank or a disc – is placed over a cavity known as a die. A punch pushes the metal through the die to form it into the specific shape required by the design. Deep drawn metal stamping has a wide range of applications[…]

How Our Partners Help Us Grow

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Over the years, Hudson Technologies has established itself as a leading supplier of metal shaping services for clients across the U.S. We provide top-quality engineering services and technical support for all kinds of metal fabrication needs, whether we’re deep-draw forming aluminum alloys for[…]

Battery Enclosures for Military Applications

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Batteries form critical components of many active weapon systems in military and defense projects. Because batteries contain toxic substances and must be kept in working condition, defense contractors are turning to battery enclosures as a crucial means to preserve the health of their systems.[…]

A New Generation of Pickup Covers

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Lace Music Productions, a division of Actodyne General, Inc., was founded in 1979 by Don Lace, Sr. Don had extensive experience in high intensity lighting, speakers, and magnetics, and an early focus of Don’s was designing and manufacturing solenoids. Coil winding was at the heart of his business.

Platarg Transfer Press Announcement

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Hudson Technologies – a leader in deep drawn metal enclosures, stampings, and cases for the past 75 years – recently invested in a Platarg Transfer Press as part of our continuing efforts to provide our customers with the latest in state-of-the-art technology and solutions.

The ROI of Preventative Maintenance

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Preventative maintenance consists of any regular maintenance performed on an active piece of equipment. By following a consistent maintenance strategy, a company can catch potential problems with its machinery before they arise, preventing equipment failure from happening.

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